
week⑩Forced ConnectionB

      Today class titel is Forced Connection but in fact,today we do the reasearch and get idea about next class presentation"100 years later".About this project we need image one thing 100 years later.creative this thing become useful.

      my idea is How to save the egg,so my project titel is "100 years later,the egg save.

      I think the egg save on 100 years later need more safety and material simplenness so I need
=Create a structure out of straws
=Tape that will hold the egg

=Break its fall from a height of 2 metres

This is idea 1,Wrap the egg tightly in straws

To create a protective cocoon around it, then add another box of straws around

This is idea 2.Align the straws to form a raft like flat piece

Then warp around the egg

           Flow the idea2 made a concise model

       Creative thinking lesson had helped me widen my imagination. It had made me think out of the box for ideas and in designing.
       This module not only allowed me to think in many different ways to achieve a same rusult but to think of the ways to creative ways. This module aslo allowed me to force connect two complete different things and form a design or a product.

       By learning this creative thinking module,I am hoping that in the future design studies  or career, it would help me think out of the box and niden further my imagination for future designs and products.

week⑨Forced ConnectionA

     Today class we have two exercise.Topic1:nature vs.man made.Topic 2: hard vs. soft.But teacher give us two group words ,one group words like pencil, clock, cup,another group words are some emotion.We need combined one thing with eomtion

I choose pencil and clock to combined with emotion

After class I go home think the pencil I darw not nice,so I draw the pencil one again

This is Forced Connection Introduce ,I think it is  very clrealy and useful so I put here with some forced connection picture I collected



Week⑧:Analogical ThinkingB

Today class teacher ask us give 10 human characteristics(Happy/sad/ angry/depress/fear/anger/anxiety)

After class I take a "face",this picture I take on singapore No.197 bus.I see this face every day canse I take this bus go home every day.haha  ^-^

And this picture is one day my friend take bus to guanzhou in china,he send me the picture .At that time,I never hear what is analogical thinking but I think this picture is funny then I save

Another picture I collect from google,there r all "face"haha^-^

Cause finishes last class,I go home my computer has some mistake,so I take some note in note book didnot on internet,I put the note picture here

╮(╯_╰)╭ome time I thinking take note on notebook and use by handwriting is better for me

Week⑦:Analogical ThinkingA

              This is a video about Analogies thinking.

    The video give us two questions.One is What s the nature of  Analogical thinking and what might be some of the benefits of learning this tool.Another one is How can I better understand the concept of a nanosecond?And the video gave us the answer.

What is Analogies and what is Analogies thinking?
        Analogical thinking is a method of processing information that compares the similarities between new and understood concepts, then uses those similarities to gain understanding of the new concept. It is a form of inductive reasoning because it strives to provide understanding of what is likely to be true, rather than deductively proving something as fact. This method can be used by both children and adults as a way to learn new information or as part of a persuasive argument.

        The thinking process begins by a person determining the target domain, or the new idea to be learned or explained. It is then compared to a general matching domain, or an idea that is already well-understood. The two domains must be similar enough to make a valid, substantial comparison. Specific qualities are chosen that belong to the matching domain, then related items are searched for in the target domain to tie the two domains together. For example, food’s effect on the human body can be an analogy to gasoline’s effect on a car because they are both responsible for making entities function correctly.

        Analogical thinking is based on the brain’s ability to form patterns by association. The brain may be able to understand new concepts more easily if they are perceived as being part of a pattern. If a new concept is compared to something the brain already knows, it may be more likely that the brain will store the new information more readily.

On blackboard,teacher give us some exercise about analogies but I didnot do,cause my english words poor,the exercise has too many words I can not understand.

This is some interesting analogies test 

Week⑥:Lateral Thinking

About Lateral Thinking some my research.
What is Lateral Thinking?

       Lateral thinking is a term developed in 1973 by Edward De Bono, with the publication of his book Lateral thinking: creativity step by step.Lateral thinking involves looking at a situation or problem from a unique or unexpected point of view.De Bono explained that typical problem-solving attempts involve a linear, step by step approach. More creative answers can arrive from taking a step “sideways” to re-examine a situation or problem from an entirely different and more creative viewpoint.

 Let me tell you what is Bono Lateral thinking,like this
I think I can give a example:
    Imagine that your family arrives home from a weekend trip to find Mom’s favorite vase broken on the floor beside the dining room table. Close examination shows that the family cat’s paw prints are clearly visible on the table top. Naturally, the family cat is in big trouble—right?The logical assumption would be that the cat was walking around on the table and had knocked the vase to the floor. But that is a linear assumption. What if the sequence of events was different? A lateral thinker might consider that the vase broke first—and then the cat jumped onto the table. What could have caused that to happen? Perhaps a small earthquake had occurred while the family was out of town—and the chaos caused by the trembling floor, the odd noises, and the crashing vase had caused the cat to jump onto the furniture? It is a possible answer!

As a design student,how to Lateral thinking?
      This picture give me clearly answer to Lateral thinking.I think I flow this way to do.

 The fundamentals of Lateral Thinking

Add one ^-^,Lateral thinking is also a skill that researchers use when evaluating evidence or interpreting sources.

Week⑤:Mind MappingB

Mind map guidelines

Buzan suggests the following guidelines for creating mind maps:

1.Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
2.Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
3.Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4.Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
5.The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The lines 6.become thinner as they radiate out from the center.
7.Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
8.Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also 9.for encoding or grouping.
10.Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
11.Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
12.Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches.

The mind map Uses
      Rough mindmap notes taken during a course session
As with other diagramming tools, mind maps can be used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, medicine and writing.

           Mind maps have many applications in personal, family, educational, and business situations, including notetaking, brainstorming, summarizing, as a mnemonic technique, or to sort out a complicated idea. Mind maps are also promoted as a way to collaborate in color pen creativity sessions.

          In addition to these direct use cases, data retrieved from mind maps can be used to enhance several other applications; for instance expert search systems, search engines and search and tag query recommender.To do so, mind maps can be analysed with classic methods of information retrieval to classify a mind map's author or documents that are linked from within the mind map.

I show a folw about me try how to use mind map to creative project.The project about Flower and Ketchup.
