

Part ① understand Creative Thinking
               I know this word on the first creative thinking class.The teacher ask us,what is creative thinking?I said Creative and Thinking,but I know this is not perfect answer.This question when i finished class,I still thinking.Before that day,I find this word appear on my design study everyday.
                today class some inportant things
      1.what is creative and what is creative thinking
      2.where do you get your ideas

       The inportantly is I know NOTHING IS ORIGINAL
                   “ There is nothing new under the sun”this words make me understand what is creative thinking in one second.I research many picture on google.
 This work rabbit and radish image,and open mind this idea I will give other picture to contrast below.
                                  This work use film image.

                            this one also clearly,use eyes image.
           What can you find form these picture?I  find 2 things about thses three pictures
1.This three pictures form differdent disigner,but they work has similar ideas 
2.This three pictures all ues other image to design

            From this two I understand NOTHING IS ORIGINAL
1.Creative thinking from designer reference each other,study each other and accumlate.Thses accumlate ,develop, fuse,substitute,etc can be idea.
2.Creative thinking from our life.Anything on our daily life. 

Like this two have similar idea,both use open brain this idea           

This two also have similar element,the image key combine other ideas to expression design

           What is said above all about designer reference each other,study each other and accumlate.
            The following I will show the designer s work from daily life image.
            This design use film image,very clearly.Designer make film image became easily and abstract logo. 

             This one combine city sketch and key image,key and city from real daily life.

Part ②Use Distance and difference thinking to see this world
                  In the class,teacher give us some interesting question to open our mind .One part question about make us use different angle to dispose some picture.

Other part about some characters logic game.
The merchant had borrowed money from the moneylender to equip his trading venture. 
The merchant's ship had not returned on time, and it was presumed lost. The moneylender 
came to demand payment of the debt. The merchant was pleading for more time. The 
moneylender was insisting on immediate payment; otherwise, he would have the 
merchant thrown into the debtor's prison. They were arguing the point in the merchant's 

At this point the moneylender noticed the merchant's beautiful daughter. He told the merchant that in exchange for the daughter's hand in marriage, the debt would be canceled. The merchant rejected the offer. "You do not have much choice," replied the moneylender," but I am a fair man. I am going to pick up two stones from this path on which we are standing, a black stone and a white stone. I shall put both of the stones into this leather bag.Your daughter will put in her hand and bring forth one of the stones-without looking. If she picks the white stone, the debt is canceled and your daughter stays with you. If she picks the black stone, your daughter agrees to marry me and the debt is canceled. In all other cases, you pay the debt or go to debtor's prison." 

Seeing that they would be no worse off and might even have a chance of escape, the daughter suggested they agree to the terms. She then watched the moneylender carefully and noted that he actually put two black stones into the bag. What was she to do? She could expose the moneylender as a cheat. She could take a black stone and then accept her fate or refuse to marry the fellow anyway. It was at this point that she used some lateral thinking…

She put her hand into the bag and drew out one of the stones. Then she immediately 
fumbled and dropped the stone onto the path. Once the stone had come to rest on the 
path, there was no way of telling which of the many stones on the path had been the one in 
the bag. 

"Oh, I am so sorry," said the girl. 
"It was a black stone you picked," said the moneylender. 
"Nonsense," said the merchant. "There was not enough time to see the stone." 
"Then we must start over again," replied the moneylender. 
"That will not be necessary," suggested the girl. "All we have to do is to open the bag and 
see the color of the stone that remains behind. In That way we can surely tell the color of 
the stone that was taken by me." She took the bag and handed it to her father. 

The merchant opened the bag so that all could see the contents. At the bottom of the bag 
rested a black stone. "See," exclaimed the girl, "a black stone remains in the bag. So I must 
surely have taken the white one." So the debt was cancelled. The girl remained with her 
father, and almost everyone was happy. 

In hindsight the girl's action is both logical and effective, but few people in the same 
situation would have thought of it.

part ③Some of the thinking known and Types of thinking
Some of the thinking known: 
• Critical thinking 
• Analytical thinking 
• Creative thinking 
• Convergent thinking 
• Divergent thinking 
• Inductive thinking 
• Deductive thinking

