

Part① video: An interesting Selective attention test
        On taday class,first we present last class the top (most interesting/creative ideas)
           After that,we saw an video:An interesting Selective attention test.The test at beginning ,video give us a instructions:Count how many time the players wearing white pass the basketball andthen we see thers are six people interweave passing two basketballs.They keep passing , in halfway a gorilla across their lineup but they didnot stop pass the basketball.At this time,video show a instruction again,ask us How many passes you count.before 5 second, video show the answer is 15 passes and ask us Did you see the gorilla!?Take a look at this video! Test your observation skills at spotting how many balls were passed?

Part② 5 Unexpected Ways To Spark Your Creative Genius
        Today lesson on blackboard has a very helpful article.When I finished reading this p ,I m surprising to find it is a great help to me if I want to be a real designer.
    The great, 18th-century poet Friedrich Schiller, liked to have a smell of rotten apples on nose hand when manifesting his masterpieces.

          Exhale: You needn't keep a compost of spoiled fruit around to do something great. While a strike of creative genius can't necessarily be forced, there are a few clever ways to get your juices flowing:

          Use your nose. Maybe Schiller was on to something. When your head's not working, your nose might be of assitance. One study found those who were exposed to rosemary aroma had higher concentration and cognitive performance. Cinnamon and vanilla scents have also been linked to increased creativity -- so open that spice cabinet and take a long, deliberate whiff.

          Do something utterly monotonous. You curse your day job for being oh-so-dull, but it might be just the place for your best ideas to incubate. One 2012 study showed that performing somewhat mindless tasks -- think assembly line -- liberates the mind to wander. The research speculates that this kind of subconscious thought may enhance creative thinking. Even if your job is incomprehensibly riveting (you lucky thing), you might benefit from the mundane. Gregor Mendel, the founder of genetics, would often count pea plants and honeybees. Most would argue the scientist reached great epiphany.

         Turn off the telly. Though we all feel inexplicably inspired when watching bachelorette meltdowns , this kind of mindless activity is not one that fosters brilliance. One study reveals that watching such low-brow (sorry) entertainment actually makes us dumber. Called media priming, this concept suggests watching or reading a particular action will stimulate similar thought and behavior. This isn't all bad news: The opposite behavior garners the same results. So, watching (or reading) intelligent, creative or smart fodder could have a positive impact on your behavior. Feel free to get a little pretentious the next time you need fresh perspective and indulge in one of these books by candlelight.

         Keep a dry-erase marker by your bathroom mirror. If you haven't experienced it for yourself, you've at least heard it before: Our best ideas often materialize in the shower. Unfortunately, we tend lose the insight by the time we towel dry. Take a tip from Austin Kleon, author of "Steal Like An Artist," to ensure that fleck of genius doesn't escape you. "If I have an idea in the shower, I write it down on my Aqua Notes pad, and if I have one after I step out of the shower, I’ll use a dry-erase marker to write it on the bathroom mirror," the artist told The Huffington Post. The waterproof notepad and the accessible pen provide a dual-insurance that'll keep both your ideas and you (no accidental shower-slips when you go to grab a pen) safe when sagacity strikes.

         Write by hand. Scribbling something down when your devices are dead is one thing, but deliberately using a pen gives some permanence to your thoughts. In ink, a phrase or idea has the chance to live -- an opportunity to stew, fester and grow into something more. On the screen, with the quick double-tap of the delete button, it vanishes.

         Even more, you'll be using more brainpower when you choose to write by hand: Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says the act stimulates a much larger portion of the brain’s thinking and "working memory" regions than does typing.

         Writing by hand might also pull you out of routine (since we're all so mercilessly plugged-in) and incite something new within. As author Lee Rourke writes in The Guardian, "The constant tap-tap-tap-tap on the keyboard reminds me of all the offices I've worked in. The sound bores into me, it fills me with an anxiety I could do without. I feel like I'm signing off invoices rather than writing my next novel." Perhaps paper is the escape you need.

Orignal web address:http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/3679087?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003

     This article in paragraph one mention a splendid poet Friedrich Schille.

     Friedrich Schiller is a famous poet, writer, philosopher, historian and playwright in Germany 18 century.He is one of the representatives of the German Enlightenment Literature.Schiller is famous in the history of German literature, "Sturm und Drang" representative and he has also been recognized  German literature status after the great writer Goethe in the history.
        This is Goethe and Schiller sculpture.     

       This article in paragraph seven has a good idea to get and accumulate creative.This way on my daily study life,my teacher always suggeat me do that.
        Writing by hand might also pull you out of routine (since we're all so mercilessly plugged-in) and incite something new within. As author Lee Rourke writes in The Guardian, "The constant tap-tap-tap-tap on the keyboard reminds me of all the offices I've worked in. The sound bores into me, it fills me with an anxiety I could do without. I feel like I'm signing off invoices rather than writing my next novel." Perhaps paper is the escape you need.

             I think a good designer, not only have good ideas, creativity, but also by some of its manifestations expressed, the idea must be transformed in order to be perceived by a particular carrier, this sketch is to express graphically design creativity and ideas, capturing memories the most direct and effective means. Sketches from the performance of the method can be divided into hand-drawn sketches and computer sketch freehand sketching fast, beautiful natural lines, giving a strong artistic appeal. This hand drawn lines and colors uncertainty is more likely to inspire people's imagination, making it possible to continue to generate new ideas. Draw a sketch of the process of the computer too long, mechanically, many ideas at the click of a mouse with a spiritual process of being boring mill gone.

       Most of the designer's ability to design its Sketch creative ability has a direct relationship, good sketch ability to perform their creativity and design capability is relatively strong
Part③ I take some picture want try to broken rules


     Good design work must be unique. How can it be done? Ithink it must be to broken the rules. How can I broken the rules? Maybe must have a strong ability to observe, to comprehend the things around there, there is the feeling and experience. The world does not lack beauty, but the lack of discovery of beautiful eyes. As a design student I must have a keen observation of ability.              

